Adrienne’s 2022 Tarotscope



Temperance (8 of Cups)

Your lesson for the year is learning the art of alchemy. Every aspect of your life is composed of ingredients, just like you are composed of molecules and cellular memories, inherited traits, desires, thoughts, repressed emotions, talents, etc. All of it worthy and potentially creative. Alchemy is chemistry, like cooking, it blends, mixes, adapts, transforms base ingredients into something new. Your body does this all the time with or without your help. The artistic aspect of alchemy is where you come in. Life is a constant flow of experiences (some easy, some difficult) that you assess and either approve or disapprove of. You judge those experiences based on emotion, then attach to or avoid similar experiences out of predictability. The problem is that you misunderstand the experience for the emotional response you have to it. It’s not what happens to you, it’s how you feel about what has happened to you. You might not be able to change your emotional responses (at least not overnight) but you can definitely change the meaning you attach. This is the art – the art of storytelling. Pay attention to the stories you’ve been telling yourself and reflect on how the plot keeps building on the same narrative. Is this a narrative you agree with, is this the true story of your life, is this what you want your life to look like? There are so many angles to a story. Be creative in your storytelling, take on a different point of view, like the hero. As you begin to feed yourself new food for thought, you will become what you think about most. Your life is an expression of you – believe it or not.


Fool (4 of Cups) 

Your lesson for the year is to learn how to trust and let go of control when it is coming from a place of fear. You are naturally a cautious person, protective of your security and possessions, however, you can be a little too controlling or rigid when you’re afraid of the unknown. Your need for concrete evidence may be overshadowing the magic and spontaneity of life. The element of surprise promotes joy, curiosity, and enduring youth. It keeps your attention on the present instead of becoming trapped in repetition or addicted to predictability. You will be offered several opportunities for adventure this year. Remain open to the possibilities even when they feel uncomfortable. You’re learning to expand your comfort zone by testing the edges of your internal security. If you rely on externals, you will always be at the whim of something outside of you. You’ll see how capable, confident, and free you are when you take risks and challenge fears. Now, the hard part will be convincing yourself that the universe is not against you and that if you take a leap of faith, the net will appear. This is a fortuitous year for you to dream big, go for it, do the thing you always wanted to do! Just remember that if you ask, you must be willing to receive. Trust that whatever adventure ensues, it is for your best and highest good. Yet also remember, you attract what you think about most. Ask your inner child what he/she wants, trust the wisdom in simplicity, and take the medicine of play.


Hermit (3 of Cups) 

Your lesson for the year is to embody all the knowledge you’ve learned over the last year. You have come so far on your journey and much of what you have gained has been through struggle, solitude, and pain. You have a choice now about how you transform these experiences into wisdom. The challenge you face is getting caught up in the story of what happened to you, rather than leading by example. For those who have honestly worked on growing, maturing, and integrating your shadowy parts, this year will be like a homecoming or a celebration of self-acceptance. There is no longer room for blame, your life is an expression of you and however you choose to engage with the world is your responsibility. Your relationships will take on a more meaningful tenor if you remember to operate from your wise-self. Old habits of avoidance, pouting, complaining, judging will be replaced with authentic connection. As you walk your work, others will be drawn to your light. Some of you will become teachers while others will find teachers. Either way, your path of spiritual growth involves connection. Be sure to continue reflecting, contemplating, and practicing personal accountability. The greatest gift you have to offer is presence, yet until you can master that active mind of yours, you will feel depleted instead of energized. Slowing down means something different to everyone. Find out what it means to you and practice it often.


World (8 of Swords) 

Your lesson for the year is to resolve lingering issues from the past while changing ineffective patterns of stress management. The first couple months of this new year will present reoccurring challenges. This is not meant to keep you stuck in the negative loop as much as it is an opportunity for you to see how you deal with stress. A pattern of worry, negativity, and avoidance has trapped you into believing there is nothing you can do except wait it out. Not true! Walk it out, dance it out, sing it out, you hear the theme – out! Yes, yes, going within has its season but so does getting out. You need to broaden your repertoire of coping skills. This is year that holds a great deal of peace and personal success so no need to make anything harder for yourself. There is also great potential for healing from past traumas and other wounds. You’ll need to hold the vision for yourself from a place of emptiness, no expectations, just openness and willingness to let go of who you were. Might seem crazy but sometimes the predictability of pain is more comforting than the uncertainty of becoming. Ask yourself, who am I without my history. The goal is to process the past enough that it becomes nourishment. Integration is to the psyche, what digestion is to the body. Stress obstructs the flow while quietly inviting similar experiences to prod along the back up. Managing your stress leads to good health. Enough said!


Judgment 9 of Swords) 

Your lesson this year is about finding redemption. It will be a powerful time of healing if you can practice forgiveness and acceptance. It is one thing to say you are over something or have worked through it and a whole other thing to feel peaceful. You’ve been through a lot over the last couple years, there have been many sorrows and worries that have hardened your naturally joyful heart. It is okay to feel upset, even cheated, yet if you remain too long in this dreary place, you will feel resentful and calloused. This is not you! For some, you have already started the process of redemption by claiming your right to life – a life of choice, passion, and freedom of expression. You will be asked to step into a deeper dimension of Self which means that excuses and fears must evolve into aspirations and personal insights. This is your year of awakening so long as you can be accountable for your mistakes, misdeeds, and evasions. Ask for forgiveness where necessary but also ask for amends from those you’re holding a grudge. No matter what, don’t give up on hope.


Sun (Queen of Pentacles)

Your lesson for the year is to allow yourself to be nurtured and to practice being rather than doing. There will also be several opportunities to express your talents, so you’ll need time to focus on you instead of everyone else. You take great pride in what you do for others as you are naturally a person of service, however, the tendency to give too much then feel unappreciated or depleted is something you’ll need to pay attention to. Learning to take care of your own needs is more than independence, it’s listening to your body, it’s yielding and receiving, and it’s allowing others to nurture you. You’ll need to slow down this year just enough to really focus on balancing your work with your pleasure. Even if you think your work is your pleasure! The medicine for the year is play, creativity, sensuality and authentic connection. Remember, when you allow others to nurture you, you give them a gift as well. A note of caution for the stubborn, do not get caught up in saving anyone this year. Be mindful of how much your ego is attached to being the giver. When you begin feeling taken advantage of, it’s not the other’s fault, it’s your own. There are valuable opportunities if you remain curious and open. Having all the answers is not open. Take the approach of the beginner’s mind.


Empress (3 of Pentacles) 

Your lesson this year is to connect more seriously with your creativity and to pursue activities that encourage meaningful connections. Creativity is often misunderstood as artistic or crafty – which it is, however, more simply, it is the force of LIFE. Every single act is a creation, from the way you get dressed in the morning, to the words you use to express yourself, even to the people you choose to have in your life. The artistry of living is in the intentionality of each act. You are ruled by the planet Venus, the archetype of love, beauty, connection, and pleasure. It is your birthright to express and connect. When this is blocked or unacknowledged in you, you become sullen, bitter, depleted. This is a year to engage in new activities, to restore your sense of vitality, to appreciate the small ways in which your very being is part of the fabric of life. You’ve got an opportunity to give birth to something grand and you are well equipped to do it. Look for collaborations, find ways in which you can co-create, let others know what you have to offer. Above all else, have a love affair with life. If you’re in a stale relationship, job, or lifestyle, recreate it or move on and create something else. Life is your masterpiece!


Wheel of Fortune (Knight of Pentacles)   

Your lesson for the year is to diligently work on changing some patterns in your life. It is not enough to rest in awareness, you must be willing to walk your talk. The wheel has turned, and you have an opportunity to make some lasting changes in your life. The areas indicated are financial, physical, and work related. Your first step is to acknowledge what in you has created the current dynamic. Do you struggle financially because you undervalue your worth? Or does your fear of not being enough make you feel like you don’t have enough? Do you deprive yourself of pleasure or leisure because you don’t deserve it? Have you fallen into addictive patterns of escapism because you don’t know how to nurture yourself healthily? Life is a patchwork of well woven patterns. You can’t think your way into a pattern without investing in new habits. You are tenacious, driven, but also oriented toward predictability and motivated by fear. None of this is good or bad per se, it’s intense though so if these qualities in you are not conscious, you will spin your wheels haphazardly. Take care of your body during these transitions and don’t be too proud to ask for help. Those with a crafty hand, make a habit of investing time into your art. There could be a potential for financial gain if you want it.


Hierophant (10 of Pentacles) 

Your lesson for the year is to question the beliefs you have about your purpose in the world. Lofty as that may sound, it is simple when you break it down. Start in your immediate environment, your body and emotional system: what beliefs are you housing that don’t align with who you want to be? Are you acting from a place of purpose? Move on to your family and friends, are you able to be you or are you adapting to what others want from you. How about work, are you doing something that aligns with your talents and are you being compensated fairly? What are your hobbies and interests, and how much time do you allot yourself for inspirational exploration? Move out to your community, are you taking part in something meaningful? It’s easy to overlook all of this because life is busy and dramatic. If you don’t pay attention, you just remain caught in the storm of insanity. Living your purpose really means living with purpose. Why waste this precious gift on worrying your not enough or on what others think of you or whether you’re making the right decision. Root out those beliefs that no longer align with the current you. You’re not who you were, you are who you want to be – when you act like it. Remember, no one gets out alive so enjoy yourself, let go of self-recriminations and be your own best friend. Lastly, pay your respect to your elders, seek wisdom, or learn from their mistakes before it’s too late.


Emperor (Ace of Swords) 

Your lesson for the year is to connect with the masculine energy of creative action. You will be called to step into a more direct expression of your goals, aspirations and purpose. Toxic masculinity promotes power through control and dominance, whereas in its raw form of energy it influences, cuts, and shapes experiences. You will practice being concise, strategic, confident. Your instincts will inform your decision making and you will not fear what you do not know. Competency is earned through concerted effort, discipline and right action. The challenges you face this year will be opportunities for you to master your fears. Healthy masculinity recognizes the importance of patience as well. This is not meant for you to work harder, but rather, purposefully and with intent. You will also be called to take leadership either on behalf of others or in your own life. Do not allow power dynamics with others or your own insecurities to derail you. There is nothing to prove to anyone but yourself. Surround yourself with other leaders, who also want to make a difference in the world at large. You may have to confront bullies along the way so protect your self-respect by not reacting to immature gestures or bids for attention. For those who have been in the process of initiating a new project, get ready, this is your year. You will be respected for how your actions align with your words. Don’t say you’re going to do something unless you’re prepared to do it. Your character will be judged on the merits of your deeds.


Hanged Man (5 of Wands)

Your lesson for the year is to surrender your need to figure everything out, to let go of black and white thinking, and to expand your capacity to tolerate struggles. The first quarter of the year may seem, on the surface, sluggish or without much progress but do not be fooled, there is a lot going on under the surface. Much of what you put into action is operating on a subtle level. You will encounter the challenges of a restless mind one way of another, so no need to go stirring up problems simply to have something to fixate on. There is no need to draw conclusions about anything, instead, observe the frequency of your interactions. Who are you without your opinions, what do you have to share, if not your stories and complaints? If you can allow yourself to get quiet enough to struggle with what is really bothering you, you may find something of great value that will completely change the way you see yourself and position in the world. This is a great opportunity to for freedom – freedom from the tyranny of your ego, freedom from the fears you compulsively try to control, freedom from the should’s of old expectations. Here’s the catch: you can’t figure this out with logic, you must feel through the tangles of not knowing, feel into the vulnerability of struggle. Find the paradox, hold the opposites, believe without evidence. You are the most rational mystic of all.


Tower (Page of Wands) 

Your lesson for the year is to resist doubt by clinging to illusions of security or spiritual escapism. Fear is a central theme in life, thus your relationship to it determines what you believe, who you trust, how you engage, and what you consider safe. There’s no avoiding disappointments, griefs, pain or fear without abandoning yourself in the process. No matter how positive you remain, there will always be something lurking around the corner so rather than pretending it doesn’t exist, use it! You’re the most adaptable of all the signs, also the most dreamy and imaginative. This is a superpower as much as it is your kryptonite. If you have learned how to not feel, you are a fish out of water. There is nothing noble about detaching from your watery world. You will encounter some BIG changes this year helping you to hone your spiritual and emotional resources. Let your doubts inform your needs, ask your fears what they need from you, and be sure not to take yourself too seriously. A decision you make at the beginning of the year will not pan out the way you hope, however, the so-called mistake will help you clarify a more solid direction. Perhaps you weren’t being completely honest with what you really wanted or were trying to please someone else. In any case, this will be a year to remember.